Provide a general introduction, background, and purpose of the paper, with your main statement resting on the idea of using statistical analysis to achieve better business decision and increase profitability and business activities.

Provide a general introduction, background, and purpose of the paper, with your main statement resting on the idea of using statistical analysis to achieve better business decision and increase profitability and business activities.

Also include a discussion of the real estate industry and the impacts that influence the health, viability, and success of the real estate marketplace; particularly in the Northeastern region of the U.S.

Let’s suppose you know the owner of a local real estate company in a mid-sized Northeastern city of the United States. The name of your acquaintance’s company is, “North Valley Real Estate.” Your acquaintance also has a large clientele and a top-notch staff of salespeople. Luckily, the company also has some good data on the homes that have been sold by “North Valley Real Estate (NVRE)” throughout the community, over the years. This data can be found as an Excel Dataset File located in the “Files” Section of the course (Left-hand Side Menu Bar).

As you may have guessed, the owner of NVRE wants to use the data to find insights into the home-selling market, and how this same insight can be used to increase their profit and business activity. As such, your knowledge of statistics and research applications can provide a valuable service to your friend and the NVRE company; and they have hired you as their consultant.

Using the data identified above, embark upon an analysis effort and creating an accompanying Report for the Owner of North Valley Real Estate.

Your purpose in the project is to glean information, knowledge, and insight from the provided data that can be used to increase the profitability of the Firm (NVRE). Your research should align to the CLOs provided for the course and lean heavily on Units 4-8 of the course for the statistical application/analysis.