What happens to the body during “fight-or-flight” response?

Online final exam

Essentials of Pathophysiology

1. Review the different levels of disease prevention such as primary, secondary, and tertiary as well as examples for each. LEVELS OF DISEASE PREVENTION-Primary- prevention of diseases- vaccination, handwashing, educating, social distancing Secondary- early detection before big problems. Eg- pap Smear or screening tests Tertiary- rehabilitation- eg- therapies.

2. Review the differences between the sympathetic vs the parasympathetic nervous systems. What happens to the body during “fight-or-flight” response? PARASYMPATHETIC SYMPATHETIC NERVES Constrict pupils Dilate pupils
Slow heartbeat
Constrict airways
Stimulate Inhibit release o/ glucose; stimulate gatlbladMr r1=7,:,”””Y

Lumbar turves

Inhibit salivation
Increase heartbeat
Relax airways
r setb,Y Stimulate repast of glucose; inhibit gallbladder Inhibit activky of lnttstines
Secrete norepintphrine

Contract bladder A Relax bladder

7.1″.,=”tk’n ri1.5:71=Vtion :1-00•:=2″ 3. Review the functions of the various organelles of the cell such as the nucleus, mitochondria, ribosome, lysosome, endoplasmic reticulum, peroxisome, golgi apparatus

4. Review the difference between active and passive immunity, know examples for each type. in order to achieve active immunity- the body must be exposed to m/o- vaccinations-weakened form of m/o. passive immunity- how the immune protection can be passed-mother to fetus in the placenta or the mother to baby. passive immunity doesn’t last very long.

5. What is edema? Review the various factors that can contribute to edema. Edema – accumulation of fluid in the interstitial space – leading to tissue swelling. Can be localized or generalized. Can be due to an increase in the forces that move fluid from the capillaries into the interstitial compartment. Or a decrease in forces that move fluid from the interstitial compartment into the capillaries. Factors that contribute to edema include: Increases in capillary hydrostatic pressure (blood vessel blockage, incompetent venous