Describe and discuss how at least three different institutional agents of socialization influenced this particular value or belief at the core of your self-concept.

Self in Society

In this 3-5 page paper, you will describe and analyze how institutional agents of socialization influenced a core value or belief at the core of your self-concept. The objectives of this assignment are to demonstrate your understanding of the concept of the ‘self,’ how the self is construed through socialization, and how social institutions influence our self-concept.

Instructions:Identify one core value or belief that defines your “self.” Refer back to Lesson 3 discussions to identify a value or belief at the core of your self-concept.

Describe and discuss how at least three different institutional agents of socialization influenced this particular value or belief at the core of your self-concept.

In Lesson 3 discussions you examined how social group agents of socialization  shaped a core value or belief of your self-concept. In this paper, think broader about how social institutions  influenced or impacted this value/belief in your life.

These institutions may have influenced you via experience with or participation in these institutions, the way the institutions operate and/or are structured, by way of changes in the ways institutions operate or are structured, and more.

Employ your sociological imagination and think about the ways that society influenced this value–try to think above and beyond individual interactions to how the way that society is organized and structured influence your value/belief.

dentify, briefly define/discuss, and apply the following concepts in your analysis of this value: self, sociological imagination, agents of socialization, and self-fulfilling prophecy