Write an effective way to employ mindful listening is to just listen carefully to what is being said rather than what you are going to say.

Topic: Empathic listening respond

The term Empathic listening, active listening when we sincerely strive to understand others’ viewpoints, is a communication skill that can help one with building trust and relationships.

Read your classmates posts then respond to at least two classmates posts with insightful feedback and suggestions gained from the etextbook, articles, and your research.

Consider elements of professionalism, communication techniques, and taking cues in context of the situation. Read the 2 posts below and respond them.

The first post 1)

After gaining more knowledge from reading the blogs and watching the videos, empathic listening according to Stephen Covey means to “Seek first to understand, then to be understood..”

Empathetic listeners do not just listen to what someone is saying but also connect their individual experiences to what the person is going through so they truly feel what the other is feeling and can respond in a better way.

Write an effective way to employ mindful listening is to just listen carefully to what is being said rather than what you are going to say. This way you will be able to retain more information and understand more details.Listening is an important skill as it can help someone understand something better than they did before or even become closer to someone by connecting with them.

Joey Harper -the second post 2)

After reading the blogs and watching the videos to further my knowledge on empathetic listening Empathetic listeners are attentive and responsive to others’ input during conversation and listen carefully so they may offer a more heartfelt and genuine response (Indeed, 2021).

There is research indicating that executives and employees aren’t good at listening. This may be because of a lack of soft skills. Soft skills are oral and written communication skills. These skills include active listening, business etiquette, and appropriate nonverbal behavior.

If a person whether they are an executive or an employee does not possess soft skills then they are not capable of being a great listener. Some ways that workplace listening could be improved is offering guidelines during meetings.

By offering some guidelines to help aid an employee’s understanding of listening skills and business etiquette you can help improve their soft skills needed in the business environment.

Facilitating the meeting also means that everyone is included so everyone has a chance to listen and speak during the meeting.

If facilitating the meeting or offering guidelines does not improve listening skills then you could offer workplace training in communication and active listening. By offering a brief training it may clarify the topic to the employees that previously did not understand it.