How might the opening scene of Anzaldua in the dentist’s chair connect to the overall argument of the essay-How are the introduction and conclusion connected?

Essay 1: Race and Language

You’ve given yourself a solid foundation to work with. Below are questions that I think can provide you with the opportunity to add your personal insight to your draft:

How might the opening scene of Anzaldua in the dentist’s chair connect to the overall argument of the essay? How are the introduction and conclusion connected?

Do you think being able to speak and write in academic English is a necessary identity for students to have?

How should academic spaces respond to non-standard dialects and ways of speaking that diverge from academic writing? What are the implications of labeling the dialect of English that is often an indicator of your educational background the “Standard”

In other words, what is maintained, and how is gatekeeping at play? Also, definitely expand on the significance of her integrating Spanish into the text. How might this have a different effect if written in English?