Provide an overview of the article and demonstrate an understanding of why it is an ethical issue.

Use the following structure for the paper (include these as headers in your paper, in bold). Each section should be well-developed discussions.
I. Introduction. (~1 page)

1. Provide an overview of the article and demonstrate an understanding of why it is
an ethical issue.

II. Discuss other examples (~2 pages)

1. Investigate what may cause an individual/organization to participate in this
unethical act? Understand the humanity of the situation. Is money involved? Is
clout important?

2. Provide a brief history of some of the main ethical violations in your readings
(and in your own words).

3. Include a brief discussion on some of the major historical events which prompted
laws to be created to prevent this from occurring.

III. Stakeholders (~1 pages)

1. Identify who is being affected by these ethical choices and how. Discuss the
affects will have on each of them and be specific.

IV. Conclusion (~ 1/2 page)
1. What are your final thoughts on the topics?
2. Wrap up the paper appropriately addressing the original violations/ethical
dilemma, why they matter, how they can be avoided.