Identify the article, blog, or report you read and then apply your definition of effective writing to explain how the article, blog, or report you read is effectively written.

Use the following chart to help ensure that you meet the following expectations in the final draft of your Assignment

• Define effective writing and your own thoughts about what this term means.
• Identify the article, blog, or report you read and then apply your
definition of effective writing to explain how the article, blog, or report
you read is effectively written. Consider how this writer establishes and
develops a main point and meets the intended audience’s needs, for

• Explain how you can use this blog post, article, or report as a model for
your own future effective writing
• Analyze what you will want to do in the future to ensure that your
writing, too, is effective.

• After the 2nd paragraph of your paper, also include a References list
with links to the Writing Center information you use, as well as to the
article, blog, or report you are writing about.