Write a program critique analysis that critically examines a health or healthcare program intended to meet a specific health need.

3-3 Program Critique


This assignment is an opportunity for you to critique an actual program plan and its evaluation. This critique will get you thinking about the strengths and weaknesses of the program and how to apply the learnings to your own work.

In this assignment, you will critique a health or healthcare program from the literature. Before you begin working on this assignment, visit the module Resources section and explore the provided program critique reading resource. Then, analyze the information based on expected and actual outcomes, the effectiveness of the program, and the areas of improvement.

This activity will help you analyze the identified program’s flaws and/or shortfalls and understand how these could have been avoided or addressed. Your analysis will help you to take preventive measures while planning your own program for the course project.

Write a program critique analysis that critically examines a health or healthcare program intended to meet a specific health need.