Compare the financial performance of your company to at least one other company in the same industry.

In this assessment you will research one small capitalisation company listed on the ASX (outside of the top 50 ASX companies), relying upon the most recent three years of income statements and balance sheets. You will analyse the operating and financial performance, applying the ratio analyses covered in Chapter 5 of the subject text and use IBISWorld (or similar industry information) to contextualise the business. Current and historical data for ASX listed firms can be collected from the ‘DatAnalysis Premium’ database “”

Specifically you will cover the following:

Compare the financial performance of your company to at least one other company in the same industry.

Discuss key events (firm-level, industry-level or market-level shocks) over the last three years which have impacted the financial performance of the company and the industry as a whole. From your full analysis draw particular highlights into tables and charts to support your findings.

Based on your analysis draw conclusions on the financial performance of the company.

Express a view on whether share investors are satisfied with their investment in the company.