Is social responsibility a driver of a corporate competitive advantage?

Management Question

Read case study N.1 from your textbook entitled: The Recalcitrant Director at Byte Products, Inc., and answer the following questions:


Describe the ”Byte Products, Inc” industry (competitivity, rivals, growth, stakeholders…). 2 marks

Draw the SWOT matrix for ”Byte Products, Inc”. 2 marks

What is the major problem of ” Byte Products, Inc” and what are the main solutions provided to this company in order to improve its competitive advantage? 2 marks

Describe the plan suggested by the board of directors to improve the demand.

2 marks

What can you recommend to “Byte Products, Inc” in order to improve the demand for its products and ameliorate its competitive advantage? Justify.  2 marks

Section II.Discussion questions (5 marks)

Is social responsibility a driver of a corporate competitive advantage? How? Justify your answer using examples from Saudi Market. 3 marks

Briefly describe a successful story of a strategic alliance between two companies from the real (national or international) market. 2 marks