What is Titchener’s Psychology in regards to Elementary Mental Processes?

Mid-Term Essay Packet

Can History be objective? What do you think and why? Give examples of where you get your view on this subject.

What are the three hypothesis of a Pattern or Direction in History?

Cyclical Hypothesis – History repeats itself. The belief is that history can be understood in

terms of repetitive patterns or cycles.

Linear-Progressive Hypothesis – Each generation builds upon discoveries from previous generations. A view of history marked by belief in the inevitable growth and progress of human knowledge and institutions.

Chaos Hypothesis – History itself has no overall identifiable and universal meaning. The belief that there is no pattern or direction in history; history has no meaning except attributed to it by humans.

Explain in detail intrinsic teleology and extrinsic teleology.

Do you believe in “free will”? What are some arguments for free will? Who are the psychologist associated with the belief in free will?

Defend Determinism. Who are the psychologist associated with the belief in Determinism?

Explain Monism and Dualism.

What was the concentration of Weber and Fechner’s research. What were the important aspects of this research?

What is Wundt’s legacy? What is the legacy of Wundt’s Students in Applied Psychology?

What is Titchener’s Psychology in regards to Elementary Mental Processes?

What was Margaret Washburn’s theory on animal consciousness?

Brentano was a key figure in the history of psychology. What was his influence and who in Psychology has been influenced by his work?

Who is Ebbinghaus and what was the major contribution to the world of Psychology?

What is William James’ legacy?

What were the substantial contributions of John B. Watson?

Why is Tolman’s work considered “one of the most important bridges between classical behaviorism and contemporary psychology”?

What is the relevance of Gestalt Psychology?

What is the appreciative overview of Freud?

What is the critical overview of Freud?

What is Horney’s System of Thought?

Explain Carl Rogers’ nondirective, client-centered therapy. What is Rogers continuing influence on the discipline of psychology?

Explain Frankl’s Logotherapy.