What does the prevailing view on these topics seem to be?

Multicultural Project

This project will introduce us to aging and the family around the world or in diverse populations. Each individual will be assigned a region of the world to: respectfully, creatively and thoroughly answer these questions, and present a PowerPoint. –

What is their view of older adults?
-What is the typical family unit? Meaning how is a “family” defined?
-What are the typical family’s living arrangements?
-What does the prevailing view on these topics seem to be?
Divorce, Single parents, LGBT families or families of choice,
-Where do they age (at home, in facility, with family, etc)?
-Who cares for the elders?
Who cares for the children?
-Percentage of older adults in population?
-Retirement age?
What is life after retirement like? –
Has their view of aging changed over the years?
-Has their view of family changed over the years? –
What is the elders’ role in society? –
Anything else you consider interesting about aging and/ or family in the region/population?