What does social responsibility mean to a company?,Why is social responsibility important?

what marketing strategies are you recommending the pet supply company use to promote its new product?
Discuss the channels you plan to use and the messaging.
Speaker Notes:
Tip Top Bakery – Social Responsibility Policy
What does social responsibility mean to a company?
Why is social responsibility important?
Why should your department (marketing) be interested in it?
Speaker Notes:
Tip Top Bakery – Internal Market Factors
How will the internal market factors impact the marketing strategies you are suggesting?
Utilizing the SWOT analysis you completed in the “Market Factors” section, elaborate on the strengths and weaknesses that the company should consider.
Which are the most important and why?

Strengths Weakness

Speaker Notes:
Tip Top Bakery – External Market Factors
How will the external market factors impact the marketing strategies you are suggesting?
Utilizing the SWOT analysis you completed in the “Market Factors” section, elaborate on the opportunities and threats that the company should consider.
Which are the most important and why?


Speaker Notes:

Tip Top Bakery – Translating Wants and Needs Into Messaging
How will you leverage your target market’s needs and wants in the marketing strategies you are suggesting?
Utilizing the work you completed in your target market analysis, how does understanding your customer’s wants and needs help in developing a target marketing strategy?