What is Arjuna’s spiritual journey and what must be overcome to achieve his quest for enlightenment and the vision of Krishna’s totality in The Bhagavad-Gita

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The Epic of Gilgamesh in how they interact with humans. Moreover, in The Bhagavad-Gita, Arjuna learns about duty.

The path to God comes with the right action, loving devotion to God, and the way of knowledge.

While Antigone may rebel against Creon’s tyrannical laws as civil disobedience, she upholds her duty to the gods to bury her brother as her devotion is to family and the gods. )

4. Consider the theme of a quest/journey in three of the four readings and compare three of the characters for this theme:

o What must Gilgamesh overcome on his quest for immortality, and does he achieve it during his journey in The Epic of Gilgamesh;

o What is Arjuna’s spiritual journey and what must be overcome to achieve his quest for enlightenment and the vision of Krishna’s totality in The Bhagavad-Gita;

o What are the obstacles that Odysseus must face on his quest/journey to return home, and does he achieve his goal; and/or…

o What are the challenges of courtly life, such as obligations, rituals, rules of taste, protocols, and practices, that Sei Shonagon must confront in her quest/journey for love and beauty (aesthetics)?