What types of data can be used to generate different kinds of graphs?,How have you used data to showcase an example or solve a problem? Did you get the outcome you expected? Explain.

Looking at probability in research, which do you believe is the best approach between classical, empirical, and subjective? Explain.
When working with research, would you rather use conditional or joint probability? Explain                                                                                               Research involves measurement scales, of which there are four types. In data collection, what sources of data would you use, and how would you establish reliability and validity? Why did you choose those specific data samples?
What types of data collection strategies and research design have you experienced—whether for work or through educational means?What experience do you have with hypothesis testing? This can be as simple as you were given an amount of money and had to explain different ways to best utilize the money to make ends meet, to as complicated as a professional issue that needed to be solved.
Which testing method—one-sample or two-sample parameter tests—is the better test to use to formulate an answer to a hypothesis? Explain.

What types of data can be used to generate different kinds of graphs?
How have you used data to showcase an example or solve a problem? Did you get the outcome you expected? Explain.