What is the significance of Cartwright’s picking up the empty cartridge from the floor?

State v. Roy Cartwright

As you determine your verdict for this crime, here are some questions about the crime and the trial for you to answer. (40 points)

What was the position of the two victims, Marlene Ransom and Martin Hogan, at the time they were shot?
What was the most damaging piece of evidence against Cartwright, showing a premeditated and deliberate intent to kill?
Whom did Cartwright intend to kill – Marlene Ransom, Martin Hogan, or both? Explain your answer.
What is the significance of Cartwright’s picking up the empty cartridge from the floor?
Suppose upon deliberation some jurors want a verdict of murder in the first degree and some favor a lesser degree of manslaughter. Do you think the jurors should compromise? Why or why not? Explain your answer.