Highlight types of sex education available to people with intellectual disability

Research proposal
Total = 5000 words
Sexuality and People with Intellectual (Learning disability)
Research Question: Is sex education important in adults with intellectual (learning disability)?

Section 1 – 2500 words
• Introduction and Literature review
Section 2 – 2200 words
To Highlight:
• Adults with intellectual/learning disability Behaviour and expression of sexuality.
• Nurses and other professionals approach to sexuality in adults with intellectual disability.
• Types of sex education available to people with intellectual disability.
• How they receive sex education.
• Autonomy of sexuality/Sexual identity in adults with Intellectual or disability.
• Consent.
• Choice of (marriage, civil partnership, common law partner).
• Awareness of sexual exploitation among adults with intellectual/learning disability.
• Safeguarding people with intellectual disabilities from sexual abuse.
• The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Minimum of 22 sources.
Reference not older than five years.
Harvard reference system.
Please make it either Qualitative or Quantitative research, no mix.

25 materials have been attached and also below are a few useful references.
Beail, N. and Williams, K. (2014). Using qualitative methods in research with people who have intellectual disabilities. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 27(2), pp.85-96.
Björnsdóttir, K., Stefánsdóttir, G. and Stefánsdóttir, Á. (2014). ‘It’s my life’. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 19(1), pp.5-21.
Corcoran, N. and Ahmad, F. (2016). The readability and suitability of sexual health promotion leaflets. Patient education and counselling, 99(2), pp.284-286.
McDaniels, B. and Fleming, A. (2016). Sexuality education and intellectual disability: time to address the challenge. Sexuality and Disability, 34(1), pp.215-225.
Potki, R., Ziaei, T., Faramarzi, M., Moosazadeh, M. and Shahhosseini, Z. (2017). Bio-psycho-social factors affecting sexual self-concept: A systematic review. Electronic Physician, 9(9), pp.5172-5178.
Rushbrooke, E., Murray, C. and Townsend, S. (2014). The experiences of intimate relationships by people with intellectual disabilities: A qualitative study. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 27(6), pp.531-541.
Whittle, C. and Butler, C. (2018). Sexuality in the lives of people with intellectual disabilities: A meta-ethnographic synthesis of qualitative studies. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 75, pp. 68–d.
Links to the rights of people with disability: