Examine the crime scenario and give your opinion on whether the crime committed was done by amateurs or professionals.

Examine the crime scenario and give your opinion on whether the crime committed was done by amateurs or professionals. Weight: 25% Does not examine the crime scenario and give your opinion on whether the crime committed was done by amateurs or professionals. Partially examines the crime scenario and starts to present an opinion on whether the crime committed was done by amateurs or professionals. Satisfactorily examines the crime scenario and gives an opinion on whether the crime committed was done byamateurs or professionals. More supporting details about your opinion would improve this section. Thoroughly examines the crime scenario and gives a solid, well-supported opinion on whether the crime committed was done by amateurs or professionals. 3. Identify what type of criminal typology could be applied based on your lesson notes.Weight: 25% Does not identify what type of criminal typology could be applied. Partially identifies what type of criminal typology could be applied. Additional details about the type of criminal typology would improve this section. Satisfactorily identifies what type of criminal typology could be applied. Most of the details about criminal typology were provided. Thoroughly identifies what type of criminal typology could be applied. 4. Clarity,