Write a letter that will go out to all major donors to the university convincing them of the necessity for the Recreation and Athletic Departments to embark on a project creating a new Outdoor Field Recreation and Athletic Facility Area.

Write a letter that will go out to all major donors to the university convincing them of the necessity for the Recreation and Athletic Departments to embark on a project creating a new Outdoor Field Recreation and Athletic Facility Area.

Items to touch on:

1. overall cost
2.Write types of material that will be used (hint: natural or synthetic turf? And why),
3. number of student groups or teams that this area will benefit,
4. why this investment is needed at this time
5. where on campus this facility will be located, and why.

Remember that these people are busy so the letter should not be more than 1 page. Professional Letter format should be used. (You can make a logo and header for the made up university if you want to). Make sure to include whom they should contact if they would like to donate to this cause.