Discuss the cinematic elements of that scene and give a shot by shot account of the significant shots in it.

The Apartement (1960) (sequence analysis)

Choose one scene from your film that supports a provisional thesis, or suggests a research question you have formulated about the film. Clearly state this provisional thesis or research question at the beginning of your paper.

Discuss the cinematic elements of that scene and give a shot by shot account of the significant shots in it.

For example, discuss the type of editing, rhythm, open/closed elements, the mise-en-scène, etc. Also discuss the relationship of the scene to the narrative of the film and the concerns of the director.

You will have read a number of examples of scene analyses before this assignment is due, but for particularly detailed and succinct shot by shot analyses of two scenes, have a look at the excerpts from Charles Barr’s BFI volume on Vertigo which are on Sakai for Week

11. We will have had a topic Workshop session in class where we will discuss the excellent advice to be found in “Film Analysis: Approaches and Strategies” from Geiger and Rutsky’s Film Analysis which is on Canvas for Week 6 (Study Questions attached.)