Distinguish between partnering and strategic alliances and provide examples of innovative alliances/partnerships and describe the concepts of internal partnering, partnering with suppliers, partnering with customers, partnering with potential competitors.

• Provide a synopsis of Strategic Management.
• What do you think of CompuTech’s approach to strategic planning?
o Would you change the process in any way?
o If so, outline how and what steps you would take to modify the process, present it, and implement the new process?
o Describe the strategic planning process including the SWOT analysis and how to develop the vision, mission, guiding principles, broad strategic objectives, and specific tactics (action plan).
• If the process remains as it is, how can Parker get his ideas included–please discuss in detail each of his components on quality?
• Prepare a SWOT analysis:
o Over including middle management.
o Over not including middle management.
• Discuss your projected outcomes for both scenarios-please include:
• Distinguish between partnering and strategic alliances and provide examples of innovative alliances/partnerships and describe the concepts of internal partnering, partnering with suppliers, partnering with customers, partnering with potential competitors.