3. What would motivate employees to engage in the knowledge-seeking and knowledge sharing process within Workplace?

Knowledge Sharing at REMA

Case Study Questions

1. Adopting the Enterprise Social Network, Workplace, could be viewed as a risky move.

Describe how REMA competes in the market and why Workplace should be considered.

2. How well is REMA using Workplace? Describe Workplaces features and its strengths and weaknesses?

3. What would motivate employees to engage in the knowledgeseeking and knowledge sharing process within Workplace?

4. What can Hoylie do to ensure employees make the best use of Workplace?

5. What are the next steps?

a. Should REMA continue to invest in a social network that allows information to flow freely

b. Should it find ways to constrain the use of Workplace

i. Number of groups

ii. Number of participants

c. Should it abandon the platform completely

d. Should they continue to use the platform but have guidelines in place that will improve the quality and reduce the quantity of information posted? Comment on the list of Guidelines from REMA(B).