What does this tell you about yourself and who you are, and the opportunities you have/have not had?

Social Class Think Piece

Topic: Explore your social class position. How did you come to understand your class position in society? Explore and discuss factors which influenced this process (for example, life experiences and opportunities, family, friends, school – teachers/classmates, media).

Reflect on the many aspects and experiences of your life and how they have been shaped by your social class position. What does this tell you about yourself and who you are, and the opportunities you have/have not had?

Huge emphasis on this: the Professor wants clear and consistent references/ connections to the course articles.

Course Articles:

Elizabeth Warren, “America without a middle class” – Link: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/america-without-a-middle_b_377829

Peter Edelman, “The state of poverty in America” – Link: https://prospect.org/economy/state-poverty-america/

John Bellamy Foster, “Aspects of class in the United States” – Link: https://monthlyreview.org/2006/07/01/aspects-of-class-in-the-united-states-an-introduction/