Discuss:How and why is the content areadifferent? To what extent is this content culture-specific?How will the test be administered? Individually or in groups? Is itamenable to both group and individual administration?

What is the test designed to measure? This is a deceptively simple question. Its answer is closely linked to how the test developer defines the construct being measured and how that definition is the same as or different from other tests purporting to measure the same construct.What is the objective of the test? In the service of what goal will the test be employed? In what way or ways is the objective of this test the same as or different from other tests with similar goals? What real-world behaviors would be anticipated to correlate with test taker responses?Is there a need for this test? Are there any other tests purporting tomeasure the same thing? In what ways will the new test be better than or different from existing ones? Will there be more compelling evidence for its reliability or validity? Will it be more comprehensive? Will it take less time to administer? In what ways would this test not be better than existing tests?Who will use this test? Clinicians? Educators? Others? For what purpose or purposes would this test be used?Who will take this test? Who is this test for? Who needs to take it? Whowould find it desirable to take it? For what age range of test takers is thetest designed? What reading level is required of a test taker? What cultural factors might affect testtaker response?What content will the test cover? Why should it cover this content? Isthis coverage different from the content coverage of existing tests withthe same or similar objectives? How and why is the content areadifferent? To what extent is this content culture-specific?How will the test be administered? Individually or in groups? Is itamenable to both group and individual administration? What
1109353 – McGraw Hill Education ©Page 233differences will exist between individual and groupadministrations of this test? Will the test be designed for oramenable to computer administration? How might differences betweenversions of the test be reflected in test scores?What is the ideal format of the test? Should it be true–false, essay,multiple-choice, or in some other format? Why is the format selectedfor this test the best format?Should more than one form of the test be developed? On the basis of acost–benefit analysis, should alternate or parallel forms of this test becreated?What special training will be required of test users for administering orinterpreting the test? What background and qualifications will aprospective user of data derived from an administration of this test need to have? What restrictions, if any, should be placed on distributors of the test and on the test’s usage?What types of responses will be required of test takers? What kind ofdisability might preclude someone from being able to take this test?What adaptations or accommodations are recommended for personswith disabilities?Who benefits from an administration of this test? What would the test taker learn, or how might the testtaker benefit, from an administration of this test? What would the test user learn, or how might the test user benefit? What social benefit, if any, derives from an administration of this test?Is there any potential for harm as the result of an administration of this test? What safeguards are built into the recommended testing procedure to prevent any sort of harm to any of the parties involved in the use of this test?How will meaning be attributed to scores on this test? Will a test taker’s score be compared to those of others taking the test at the same time?