What major question does it answer for us, and why do you think this information is important to our knowledge of victimization and victimology?

Article critique

Main Findings in this Study (1-2 paragraphs maximum):

What are the primary findings of this study?
Why do the authors think they found what they did?

Contribution to Our Understanding of Victimization:

Say what primary contribution this study has added to our understanding of the topic. What major question does it answer for us, and why do you think this information is important to our knowledge of victimization and victimology?
How does this reading fit in with the other readings and course concepts we’ve covered? (Note: the strongest papers will relate their reading to both the theoretical and substantive material we’ve covered).


List 2 or 3 weaknesses of this reading (note: please focus on the researcher’s ideas and how they could do what they did better, not format or what the researcher didn’t include) For each weakness, provide ways that the study could be improved and/or what you would expect to find if you changed the study in the way you’re suggesting.