Describe the physical response explicitly.


Your response will involve three separate responses, each in separate sections. I don’t mandate page limits, because what matters is substance, content. A hallmark of good writing is economy of expression, no words wasted. That takes close attention to the craft of writing. Saying the what you intend, fully, in fewer words, takes more work. Every good writer knows that. Be guided by the task at hand. Write what is needed to answer the questions. Get help from the excellent people at our Writing Center – the link is posted in Canvas, to your left. Don’t wait. And: if you use references outside of our text, simply provide enough information for me to track it down.

Organize your submission using these headers and subheaders:

The Stressor and Response – Described and Examined
Stressor Described
Stressor Examined
Physical Stress Response
Psychological Stress Response

The Coping Response
The Coping Response Used
Alternative Coping Responses
Submit your assignment via file upload in Canvas (get help if you need it at 855 631-2250).


The Stressor and Response Described and Examined

Stressor Described. It can be a personal example or taken from someone you’ve known well.
If you choose, feel free to use the example you presented in the paired discussion. If you do that, re-write your discussion post to meet the expanded requirements of this more formal assignment. No copy-and-paste.
Give a full, rich account.

Stressor Examined.
How does this example fit the definition of a stressor? Explain.
Was it chronic or not? How so?
Discuss the role of control.
Was it related to social relationships in any way? Explain.

Physical Stress Response
What was the physical response?
Describe the physical response explicitly.
Did the response match Selye’s GAS formulation? Did you get sick?
Does money play a role suggested in our text?
Are you Type A or B? How does this relate to your response?

Psychological Stress Response
Describe the psychological response explicitly, noting reactions not in text as well as those that are.
What was the primary appraisal?
What was the secondary appraisal?
Was it seen as a threat or challenge? Why does that matter?
What is “burnout?” Did this happen?
The Coping Response

The Coping Response Used
Describe the coping strategy used, applying text concepts explicitly.
What general kind of coping response was it?
See “Stress Management: Dealing With It” – Mind Management, Body Management or Situation Management? Explain.
Next, what specific strategy was used?
Describe in full, concrete detail, linking to relevant text.
Evaluate: Did it work? How, and how well?
What does the text tell us about the efficacy of this strategy?

Alternative Coping Responses
Next, consider alternative coping strategies by drawing explicitly from text.
What alternative might you suggest?
How does it work?
Why might it work?
Have you or other you know tried it?