How is this society the same or different from the real-world human society on Earth today?

The rules for the essay are uploaded
: Use only a ​third-person point of view. Every paragraph needs to be developed using the principles of unity and coherence. Have a clear topic sentence at the beginning that answers the prompt, and then provide specific examples from the text to support your claim in the topic sentence. Discuss meaning and interpretation throughout the paragraph with each example that you provide. Analyze/do not merely summarize. Every paragraph needs at least one direct quote integrated into it, and there should be multiple citations. In addition to direct quotes, cite paraphrases and summaries. And, each time you make a claim of your own, point to the place in the text that supports your claim by citing that place in the text. Claims are statements of argument that you make as you interpret the texts and discuss their meaning.

The texts are located in the Week 9 Module.

Write one paragraph for each of these prompts below. Prompts 1 – 3 are about each, individual text. Prompt 4 asks to you refer to all three of the texts, plus MPI
1) The Future of Everything:

Explain and interpret the overall theme and meaning of this interview about the real-world artificial intelligence home device called “Alexa.” Analyze/do not merely summarize. Connect to real-world concerns of today. Consider these questions: What are the unexpected ways that people are interacting with Alexa and what is Amazon doing about it? What could be the long-term consequences (good and/or bad) on society of the wide-spread use of this kind of device?

2) Mother of Invention: Explain and interpret the overall theme and meaning of this fictional short story about a smart home. Analyze/do not merely summarize. Connect to real-world concerns of today. Consider these questions: What is the relationship between Anwuli and Obi3? How does Obi3 act on Anwuli’s behalf? What is the significance of this relationship and the outcome of the plot of this story?

3) Demeter’s Regard: Explain and interpret the overall theme and meaning of this fictional short story about a human society on a journey through the universe. Analyze/do not merely summarize. Connect to real-world concerns of today. Consider these questions: What are the constraints, expectations and responsibilities required of the human society living onboard the Succession? How is this society the same or different from the real-world human society on Earth today? How did William became captain of the Succession, and why does his offspring do not have a “real” mother? What is the relationship between Demeter and William? What is the significance of this relationship?

4) All three exam texts, plus MPI: Choose one of the Science Fiction Genre Elements from the list provided for this course and apply it to all three texts. Also, explain and interpret how all three texts, plus MPI, reflect the consequences of human relationships with artificial intelligence. Analyze/do not merely summarize. Connect to real-world concerns of today. Consider these questions: What characteristics do the artificial intelligence beings Prime Intellect, Alexa, Obi 3 and Demeter have in common? How do they differ? How do Asimov’s Rules of Robotics apply to all three texts? What is the overall significance of human relationships with artificial intelligence?