Discuss How does the citizenship status of the criminal in the case impact the ability to adhere to procedural due process?

How does the citizenship status of the criminal in the case impact the ability to adhere to procedural due process?Be sure to include whether or not the criminal has dual citizenship. How does this affect your ability to apprehend and charge thecriminal?2.Wheredidthecriminalresideatthetimethatthecrimewascommitted?Doesthisinformationinterferewiththeinvestigationandapprehensionofthe criminal?Explain.3.Which laws were violated domestically and internationally in the case? What consequences are associated with eachcrime?Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed:For the following, review the elements of the case regarding the violation of the crime.II.ViolationA.Determine the criminal’s citizenship status and how this impacted the United States’ ability to adhere to procedural dueprocess.1.Was the criminal a U.S. citizen?2.Did the criminal have dualcitizenship?B.How does this information affect the United States’ ability to apprehend and charge thecriminal?C.Determine how the criminal’s location impacted the United States’ ability to adhere to procedural dueprocess.1.At the time of the crime(s) committed, where did the criminalreside?2.How did this interfere with the investigation and apprehension of thiscriminal?D.Explain which laws were violated domestically and internationally and the consequences associated with theviolations.1.What crimes was the criminal charged with in the UnitedStates?2.Whatweretheassociatedconsequencesinviolatingtheselaws?