Consider how a balance between incoming solar radiation and outgoing longwave radiation must be maintained in order to keep annual temperatures the same.

Unit 2 Discussion

1. After learning about various heat transfer methods for the Earth’s atmosphere in chapter 4, consider how a balance between incoming solar radiation and outgoing longwave radiation must be maintained in order to keep annual temperatures the same.

Climate scientists are mostly worried about this imbalance, especially the decrease of outgoing longwave radiation that would lead to a warming of the atmosphere.At the Pierce College Weather Station

(, we can track these types of radiation and get a sense for the radiation budget and resulting temperature at Pierce College.

Comment on changes in landscape (urbanization), automobile use, or industry pollution that may add to the delay or reduction of outgoing longwave radiation escaping to space. This part must be at least 2 paragraphs, 5 sentences each paragraph, and free of spelling and grammar errors. (6 points)

textbook :

Pierce College Weather Station: