Determine what factors that would affect makeup are given to you by the author and which you could interpolate.


1) Choose a character in a play or musical (not a film) as a subject for a Character Makeup Analysis.

The character must be from a historical period play (pre

21st century period). The play must be set within that period. In other words, you cannot study Mrs. Lovett from Sweeny Todd then place her in the 21st century. Analyze her makeup characteristics for her appropriate time and place. With plays that are not set in a definite period (such as many Shakespeare plays), you have much leeway. to make choices.

Read the play (again, if you have read it before)

Research the period and visual style which the character inhabits

Research the character whose makeup you will be designing and applying

Write the analysis of the character

do not write an analysis on a character you have already played on stage.


Using the information from the text book and the script and from class notes as a guide, determine what factors that would affect makeup are given to you by the author and which you could interpolate. You should include:

character’s age

sex /gender status


physical aspects/physiognomy

heredity/genetic heritage /race

socioeconomic status



environment /location

climate/weather effects occupation period style and fashion other factors that could affect a person’s appearance

You will be designing and applying the make up for this character later in the term.


In addition to the above, the paper must include:

the name of the play

name of the author

place that the play occurs year of writing

year(s) that the play takes place in

social and/or artistic period it is set in (if appropriate)