Explain the law you have learned that applies to each issue.

Contracts Case Study

The purpose of this assignment is for you to identify and apply contract law to a hypothetical

situation and review dispute resolution methods

Task: You are helping with legal research. In preparing a memo reviewing the issues in Sunita

Sharma’s case, you recognize numerous issues. So, you will select only three (3) distinct issues.

identify and analyze three legal issues in the scenario. Make assumptions and inferences where you feel they are appropriate and tied to the facts. Your legal analysis will be

included in the opinion letter to the client. While Sunita is an educated, professional client, she

knows very little about the law. She needs you to explain the contract law principles and apply

them to the facts. You will need to provide case law examples to help her understand and

ultimately explain what it means to her. Please choose your language carefully to make it easy

for her to understand the legal concepts and recommendations. I am expecting a memo that is

around 1900 words.

Structure your memo using headings:

Summary of key facts (approx. 150 words)

o The summary should be 5-6 sentences long

o Answer the main questions of who, when, where, what, how, and why

Issue 1 (approx.450 words)

o Applicable law & facts-explanation of the legal principles & case(s)

▪ You must focus on particular facts that relate to the issue

o Opinion/Analysis-application of the legal principles to the facts tied to the specific issue.

Issue 2 (approx 450 words)

o Applicable law & facts-explanation of the legal principles & case(s)

▪ You must focus on particular facts that relate to the issue

Opinion/ Analysis-application of the legal principles to the facts tied to the specific


Issue 3: (approx 450 words)

O Applicable law & facts-explanation of the legal principles & case(s)

▪ You must focus on particular facts that relate to the issue

Opinion/ Analysis-application of the legal principles to the facts tied to the specific issue.

Conclusion (approx. 350 words)

Summarize your analysis in this section and briefly explain one dispute resolution method that you would recommend to the client with reference to her interests.


The memo should be around six pages long, approx. 1900 words, not including


You must cite using footnotes using the McGill guide.

A bibliography/work cited page is not required.

Recall that you must cite the source when paraphrasing. To avoid plagiarism and uphold the standards of academic integrity, you must reference every sentence containing information that is not common knowledge or your original ideas.


Read the case material (instructions, fact scenario, and contracts) carefully.

Briefly summarize the key facts.

There are a lot of unnecessary details in the scenario. Make sure to succinctly recount, in

your own words, the facts that matter from a legal perspective.

Identify three relevant legal issues that affect the client.

There are more than three in the scenario, so you should have no problem

State the relevant facts from the scenario for each issue

iii. Each legal issue has a set of facts. There is some overlap in the facts

Explain the law you have learned that applies to each issue.

For each issue, explain the general principles, and provide at least one case that illustrates how

the principle applies.

In the conclusion section, summarize your opinion on three issues in clear language that she

can understand and outline one option the client can use to resolve the dispute(s).

Possible issues:

Rules of contract interpretation

Implied terms

Breach of contract

Liquidated damages clauses

Warranties and Conditions



Assessment of damages

Pull together your preparatory work, and then write a draft paper.

Go over your draft carefully for grammar and spelling

Make sure your paper is logical—that your ideas flow in a logical order and you use


Remember who you is your audience. She is not a lawyer and does not know what

you know. If you use a legal term that she might not know, explain it to her.


Sunita Sharma is a high-end architect and interior designer. She owns a company called YYC

Design Co., which primarily offers architectural and interior design services to commercial

customers. Occasionally, she will take on residential work but only by referral.

She has recently taken on Samantha Lindt and Nabil Youssef as residential clients. She did so

only because Samantha Lindt is the CEO of one of her biggest corporate clients, Fire and Ice

Properties Inc (“F&I”), and it is critical to Sunita’s business to keep this commercial client

happy. F&I has an annual interior design budget of $275,000, and historically, the accounting

department always promptly paid Sunita’s bills when she worked them. Sunita anticipates that

YYC Design Co. will be the interior designer and architect of F&I’s newly acquired building.

Still, the bidding process for the project has not commenced.

Nabil is Samantha’s husband, who has been living with Samantha for about a year. Nabil is a

freelance writer and editor specializing in travel and food writing. Nabil is currently writing

articles for World Travel Guide on Mexico, where Nabil and Samantha first met. Nabil and

Samantha hired YYC Design Co. to change their Canmore condo drastically. Samantha is very

busy and told Sunita that Nabil would make all of the necessary decisions regarding the

renovation and redesign of the apartment. He was the creative one in the relationship anyways.

Sunita worked with Nabil to design an upscale, cozy mountain retreat. While Nabil was

generally cost-conscious, he splurged on a custom-made soapstone gas fireplace to be the focal

point of the living room design. The fireplace had to be pre-ordered from Edmonton, and the

manufacturer required pre-payment before delivery. The manufacturer also had a no-return

policy since the product was custom-made. Sunita explained this to Nabil before placing the


The fireplace, including delivery, costed $9,547. After Sunita’s 30% markup ($2,864.10), the

total quote for the fireplace was $12,411.10. In addition to the fireplace, Sunita quoted $2,585 for

her design work. She also quoted $8,600 for labour, $3,975 for the additional furniture, accents,

and wallpaper, that would be used in the design, and $765 for miscellaneous materials (i.e.

natural gas installation for the fireplace). The full value of the contract was $28,336.10 before




Both Samantha and Nabil signed the contract (see below). Since the fireplace was not returnable,

the contract provided that payment for the fireplace ($12,411.10. before tax) was due upon

execution of the contract. Trusting she would receive payment, Sunita ordered the fireplace

shortly after the contract was signed. The parties agreed that the interior work would be

commenced once the fireplace arrived. Samantha and Nabil never paid for the fireplace.

The fireplace arrived on October 6, 2022. Sunita could not reach Nabil by telephone the day it

came but left a message telling him that the fireplace had arrived and that he should call her to let

her know when she could start the job. The same day, Sunita also emailed an invoice that


that $14,996.11 plus tax was due and owing (for the fireplace and the design work that had

already been completed). She addressed the invoice to Samantha Lindt and Nabil Youssef at

their email addresses. She included a note requesting that the couple contact her as soon as

possible so she could get started on the job.

After a week with no word from Nabil, Sunita called and left another voicemail message. The

following day Sunita arrived at work to find a return voicemail message from Nabil.

In the voicemail, Nabil apologized for not calling sooner and said that he simply forgot with all

the commotion of his latest trip. He then said that he changed his mind and, instead of the

fireplace and cabin feel, had hired Modern Talking Ltd. to redesign the interior to reflect an edgy

and contemporary look with ceiling-to-floor bookcases, dark colors, and a zen garden inside. He

concluded by saying that he was on his way to the airport and would be out of the country again

for the next month but that he would be willing to pay to ship the fireplace back to the


Sunita is extremely upset. However, she does not want the conflict to adversely affect her

relationship with Samantha and F&I. This is the first time she has faced a similar situation, and

she is unsure how to proceed. She believes she has rights under the contract but must mitigate

her losses, but she does not know what that means.

She has contacted the fireplace manufacturer to see if it would accept a return of the fireplace.

The manufacturer advised that it would not accept a return under the terms of the sale. However,

after inspecting the fireplace on October 10, she noted that it was missing a crucial part, without

which it would not work.

Sunita would prefer to get the contract’s total value but is also willing to forego some of it to

ensure the relationship with Samantha and F&I is unaffected. She is also interested to know her

options regarding the fireplace. The terms and conditions of Custom Fireplaces Ltd. are attached.