How or does people centered leadership foster high employee commitment and performance?

The Human Factor to Organizational Success:

Exploring the Role of People-centered Leadership and Culture in Creating a Meaningful High Performing Organization

Some problems ( just as an idea) for problem statement: Traditional leadership styles have been used by management, despite the fact that they may be outdated.

There is little evidence to suggest that people are passionate about their work. Companies face the challenge of creating an environment where the top priority for leaders is meeting the psychological needs of their employees as humans.

Satisfying and and addressing the human needs of valuable employees is the key for organizations in 21 century. Companies don’t value people as the most intangible asset of modern organizations etc…

Research questions idea(example): What is the people centered leadership and culture?

How or (does) people centered leadership and culture create meaningful high performing organization?

How or does people centered leadership foster high employee commitment and performance?

What are the critical attributes of people centered leadership and culture and its benefits to the company, employees and customers?

Some hypothesis examples: There is a relationship between how an organization treats its people and the organization performance and profitability.

When leaders create a culture where employees feel truly valued, involved and supported to achieve their full potential, employees are more committed to the company.

Valued people value its customers, are more productive and produce stronger financial results. People want to work for organizations with a sense of purpose, vision.

People centric organizations outperform their competitors by caring about employees, provide opportunity for growth and development.

Valued people create a culture where team members feel excited about their work and feel relaxed to contribute their best.

Establishing and building positive and healthy interpersonal relationships and communication skills strengthen relationships.

When people feel supported, valued and respected lowers absenteeism, turnover and work place accidents. People centered leadership creates psychological safety at work.