Describe the studium of the photograph?

Visual Culture Case Study

Case Study: 20%

For this assignment, you will be choosing a 20th-century photograph to use as a case study. You will be identifying the studium and punctum and analyzing your photograph by applying photographic seeing.

Write a paper of approx. 1,000 words in which you complete the following:

Choose a photo taken by a well-known photographer in the 20th century (1900-1999):

Identify your chosen photograph by title, photographer, year & include a link to an appropriate image source (see end of assignment for sourcing instructions).

Briefly explain why you chose this image.

Then, analyze your photo using Roland Barthes’s theories:

Describe the studium of the photograph?
Identify the punctum of the photograph?
Be sure to make specific reference to Barthes.

Then, analyze your photo using Susan Sontag’s theories: