How can you get the most as an audience member at a live presentation?


Suggested Topics:

What do our clothes say about us?

Digitally-mediated Communication and the classroom

How can a student improve his memory and test results?

How can you tell if a website is a reliable source? What are the signs to look for?

How can you tell if a speaker (or presenter) is a reliable source? What should you look for?

As a presenter, what can you do to be more effective?

How can you make effective Power Point presentations?

How can someone learn to be a good leader?

How can you get the most as an audience member at a live presentation?

How can you have better relationships?

If you have your own idea related to any text chapter – and you want to use it, get approval from your teacher – and GO FOR IT.


The Structure of a Speech

5 quick ways to structure a speech

Tips for Making Effective PowerPoint Presentations

How to make a good presentation with 8 pro tips

How to make a successful presentation: 5 easy steps to perfection

How to Make a Good PowerPoint Presentation (Tips) (5 min 7 secs)