Discuss how a web site and a web page are related as well as how the World Wide Web has impacted how individuals live and how companies conduct business.

Chapter 16

In Chapter 16 we learn about some of the underlying technologies of the Web that make it a productive tool for a variety of applications. You will show your knowledge of the topics by answering the following questions.

1. Discuss how a web site and a web page are related as well as how the World Wide Web has impacted how individuals live and how companies conduct business.

2. Explain briefly how hypertext markup language (HTML) is used to create web pages and include some of the programs that can be used to create web pages in your discussion.

3. Describe how online social networks are utilized in our society currently as compared to social networks that existed before the Internet and online versions of social networks. Discuss how these types of networks are similar.

Chapter 17

In Chapter 17 we learn about computer security from the standpoint of techniques for preventing unauthorized access to information, types of malicious code used to circumvent security measures, and security issues related to social media. It is important to understand how to properly develop and implement a comprehensive security plan. We will focus on the fundamental aspects of a security plan. You will show your knowledge of the topics by answering the following questions.

4. Discuss the importance of the CIA triad as it relates to information security.

5. Explain the purpose of a company completing a risk analysis as well as the concept of separating the available data management privileges so that no single individual has too much authority over key activities.

6. Discuss some of the methods that are utilized to prevent unauthorized access to information and include the three general types of authentication credentials in your answer.