Did you use vivid description, sensory details, and/or dialogue to engage readers?

Adversity: Describe a time when you had to think or act quickly to overcome a challenge.

1. Which narrative techniques did you use to bring your story to life? (2-3 sentences) Sophia says: Did you use vivid description, sensory details, and/or dialogue to engage readers? Provide two examples from your essay in which you “show” readers rather than “tell” them. EXAMPLE: A sentence such as

2. How did your purpose and audience shape the way in which you wrote your narrative? (3-4 sentences) Sophia says: Your hypothetical audience extends beyond the people who will evaluate your narrative. Which individuals or groups were you addressing when you wrote your narrative, and how did consideration of your audience and your purpose influence the way in which you wrote it?

3. Provide a concrete example from your narrative that shows how you have written specifically for this audience and purpose. (3-5 sentences) Sophia says: Consider including a quotation from your essay and explaining how it was written to appeal to your audience, and to accomplish your purpose. Alternatively, you might describe a theme, tone, or narrative technique that you used and explain how it was intended to appeal to your audience and achieve your purpose.

Narrative Focus and Flow

❒ Are all of the details in your story relevant to your purpose?

❒ Are the events presented in a logical order that is easy to follow?

❒ Is your story 500-800 words in length? If not, which details do you need to add or subtract?
Narrative Structure

❒ Is there an opening paragraph that introduces the setting, characters, and situation?

❒ Are there middle paragraphs that describe the progression of events?

❒ Is there a closing paragraph that provides a thorough resolution to the story?

Narrative Language and Techniques

❒ Have you incorporated narrative language and techniques (e.g., figurative language, concrete and sensory details, dialogue, and vivid description)?

❒ Can examples of narrative language and techniques be found throughout your story, or are they only evident in some places?

❒ Have you double-checked for correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, formatting, and capitalization?

❒ Have you proofread to find and correct typos?
Before You Submit

❒ Have you included your name, date, and course in the top left corner of the page?

❒ Have you answered all of the “Think About Your Writing” questions?

❒ Is your essay between 500 and 800 words in length (2-3 pages)?

Narrative Focus

Present a focused, meaningful narrative.

The composition is consistently focused, and details are relevant and specific. The composition is focused and details are relevant and specific.

However, a few details and descriptions detract slightly from the focus. The composition is mostly focused and the majority of details are relevant and specific.

However, there are several details and descriptions that detract from the focus. The composition does not have a consistent focus. The composition exhibits no evidence of a focus.

Narrative Flow

Tell the story using a logical, smooth sequence of events.
The sequence of events and details is logical and easy to follow throughout the composition.

The sequence of events and details is logical and easy to follow throughout the composition, with a few minor exceptions.

The sequence of events and details is easy to follow throughout most of the composition; however, some areas are poorly sequenced or confusing.

The events and details are primarily poorly sequenced and difficult to follow. The sequence of events and details is illogical. Readers cannot follow the progression of the composition.