Identify the company’s vision statement and mission statements.

Name of the company, title of your paper; industry under which it operates, and the Industry’s Six Digit NAICS Code.

Background of the company

Identify the company’s vision statement and mission statements. Briefly discuss the company’s performance. Suggested: Use profit ratios: Examples: Return on Invested Capital (ROIC); or Return on Stockholder’s Equity (ROE).

Problem(s) leading to the researching of the company’s external and internal environments.

Organize the paper into FOUR sections. Section I is an overview of the organization.

Section II

Assesses sections of the external environment at three levels: industry environment, strategic groups/competitor analysis, and the wider/macro economy.

Section III

Evaluates segments of the organizations’ internal environment: Resources, capabilities, core competencies and competitive advantage.

Section IV

Provides a summary, conclusion, and recommendations for formulating and implementing strategies.