What were some of the causes of the event, and what were the short and long term consequences?

CHIS 212: US History Since 1865

Provide a short response to each question about your pre-selected topic.

1). Write an introductory paragraph about the topic including a thesis statement.

Explain the historical context of the topic.

2). Identify three or four sub-topics related to the broader topic. Explain why it is






3). How does your topic demonstrate the concept of “historical change over time?

4). What were some of the causes of the event, and what were the short and long term consequences?

5). Historical Complication how does your demonstrate historical complication?

For example, does it demonstrate intersecting issues such as race, class, gender, power, etc…)

6). If you’re completing a presentation instead of paper what images will you include?

7). Conclusion

Arguments, issues at stake?

Larger implications?

Information applied to other issues?

7). Bibliography