What is the primary key of each of the 3NF tables you just constructed?

Lab: Normalization Template

Question 1:

In the space below, re-write the table above so that it is in first normal form.

Question 2:

What is the primary key of the 1NF table you just constructed?

Question 3:

Identify the functional dependencies in the 1NF table you constructed.

Question 4:

Describe any insertion anomalies that can occur in your 1NF table.

Question 5:

Describe any deletion anomalies that can occur in your 1NF table.

Question 6:

Describe any modification anomalies that can occur in your 1NF table.

Question 7:

Based on your 1NF table, in the space below, re-write the table so that it is in second normal form. You may add ID fields to any new tables you create and use those IDs as foreign keys in other tables as appropriate. (10 points)

Question 8:

What is the primary key of each of the 2NF tables you just constructed?

Question 9:

Identify the functional dependencies in the 2NF table(s) you constructed.

Question  10

In the space below, re-write the 2NF table(s) so that they are in 3NF.

Question 11:

What is the primary key of each of the 3NF tables you just constructed?

Question 12:

Identify the functional dependencies in the 3NF table(s) you constructed.

Question 13:

Are all of your tables in BCNF? Why or why not?