Discuss the results, placing emphasis on your strong forms of communication and a plan to develop the weaker areas that are important to managing projects.

Unit 1 – Individual Project HR

Stakeholder Responsibility Matrix RACI Chart

Communication and Leadership Style Assessment

Select the link below to assess your leadership style.

Put together a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis based on the results of the assessment, listing a minimum of 3 under each category.

Select the link below to assess your communication style.

Discuss the results, placing emphasis on your strong forms of communication and a plan to develop the weaker areas that are important to managing projects.

Based on your assessment results of your own leadership and communication styles, revise your RACI matrix file, if necessary, and attach this under the appropriate outline section.

Leadership Assessment: http://www.yourleadershiplegacy.com/assessment/assessment.php

Communication Assessment: https://www.humanmetrics.com/personality/test