Develop a plan to implement a new index and catalogue system to manage the high volume of student record boxes in the warehouse.

Thank you for your interest in the Program Supervisor – Student Records position with the District! The Program Supervisor oversees the Student Records teams to deliver a reliable customer experience to District alumni and partnering organizations looking to obtain their transcripts, duplicate diplomas and education verifications, The Program Supervisor-Student Records Is responsible for establishing a high-quality standard for customer service and document presentation through knowledgeable staff equipped with the proper tools and training, updated policies and procedures aligned to robust systems with integration capabilities to increase the quality and timely service to district stakeholders. To better assess your expertise in this area of work. we ask that you complete the following hiring exercise. This exercise is specifically designed to assess your strengths and weaknesses in the following areas, • Critical Thinking to approach problems in a consistent and systematic way to ensure successful outcomes. • Managing support of a digitized record management vendor to ensure well-defined, repeatable, and manageable processes are in place to support objectives and key deliverables. • Written communication which professionally and effectively conveys your ideas and actions when communicating to stakeholders.
In addition to the hiring exerci., you will also be asked to rate your experience and expertise in the above areas and provide examples of past experiences that you believe would help interviewers better understand your strengths as a candidate for this role.
Hiring Exercise
The Student Records team maintains the permanent records of current and former students, and processes requests for transcripts. verification of attendance. employment verification records and duplicated diplomas. This team of six coordinates and collects student records from schools to be stored in the archives, in addition to the transfer of records to non-DPSCD schools. The team fully adheres to local and state compliance laws for managing student records. However, this team relies heavily on manual and paper-based processes and systems to receive and fulfill records requests. The District would like to accelerate the process to digitize records making them available anytime, anywhere for alumni and community stakeholders. Requests for student records are accepted and fulfilled through three sources. a walk-up location, via the district website and direct calls answered by the customer care team. The six (5) members of the team include a Program Associate (Archivist) and five Technology Client Care Specialists. The Records Retention and Disposal Schedule for Michigan Public Schools requires the District to retain a student’s permanent academic records for several years after the student graduates. When a student enters the District, a cumulative folder (CABS or CA60) is created by the administrative staff of the enrollment school. When a student graduates from high school the cumulative record should remain at the school for the next two years. After two years past graduation. a student’s record should be transferred to the District’s central office student records location. Many high schools are not in compliance. These high schools are inconsistent in transitioning the records to the central office student records location. Student records are not only housed in high schools, there are several locations and repositories across the District. Records can be found in schools, in the central office warehouse and data center, at the Student Records walk-up location and in multiple online databases. Student records also exists in multiple formats, including physical hardcopy, microfiche, and Laseffiche.
The physical records are stored in the student records archive located at warehouse. As student records are retrieved from schools, they are tagged and stored in the warehouse. Upon request for records, the archival staff retrieves the record. provides the

Program Supervisor – Student Records
information to the requester and returns the record to the storage box in a designated area. To increase the speed and efficiency of fulfilling requests related to archive records. the Student Records Department will need to reorganize the warehouse space and implement an index and catalog system, similar to that of a library. To mitigate the decentralized problem Student Records will streamline its partnership with a digital records service provider, to transition from a decentralized solution to a district-wide implementation of a single self-service online records management system. Ultimately, this system will become the repository to house all student records, across years and record types, to be a single portal for requesters to access their materials independently, and a secure avenue for transmitting official records to other institutions and employers. The single self-service online records management system will allow storage of digital versions of student records (current and archived), routing of records requests and real-time fulfillment for records currently scanned in the system.
Imagine you have just joined the team as the Program Supervisor for Student Records. To support this year’s objectbes to begin “Digitization of Student Records”, the Senior Director of Customer Service and Records Management has asked you to complete the fallowing deliverables, • Draft a letter to the high school principals to bong awareness to the policy and request their assistance in working with clerical staff to become compliant with retention policy. • Develop a plan to implement a new index and catalogue system to manage the high volume of student record boxes in the warehouse. Please include a transmittal form to receive boxes and a box label.
In addition. please provide a document which clearly communicates, • A quality assurance plan to manage and monitor the transfer of physical records from the warehouse bcation to the vendor facility and ensures that the student record data has been captured with 100% accuracy.