Did the user testing reveal further improvements that could be made to either prototype?

Conduct a user test of your prototypes with at least 8 participants. If possible, use participants that are within the target audience for your particular product being studied.

Prepare a simple script to guide your testing sessions. There are two required components of the user testing providing you with both quantitative and qualitative data. Prepare your script consistent with concepts in our course reading.

– Quantitative Testing – You will have the participants complete your chosen task using both prototypes as you time their “performance”.

– Qualitative Feedback – You will then follow up the test with a few questions to get feedback from participants on the experience.

Mix the order of the A and B testing between participants to account for a sequencing effect. Have half of your participants test the A version first and the other half test the B version first.

Analyze the task time. Use the same method as in our Task Analysis assignment, creating the same data and charts.  Consider how the order of the testing influenced your results (A vs B).

Synthesize the qualitative feedback from the user testing. Again, process this information in a consistent manner with our reading and course content.

Summarize the final conclusions you can draw from your testing.

Did the A or B version provide a clear advantage or not? How would you describe your confidence in the results?

Did the follow up feedback reinforce the performance data (time on task) or were there some contradictions?

Did the user testing reveal further improvements that could be made to either prototype?

Ultimately, what would your recommendation be to a product manager or client regarding this interaction design?