Is political power ultimately nothing but the rule of the strongest, the most powerful, the most persuasive on TV?

In what kind of society would you prefer to live? A large urban

society; a small rural society; some safe suburb; a bustling

commercial city; a quiet, more or less homogeneous town in

which people more or less share the same values; a multiethnic

neighborhood with many different peoples?

Do you believe in the death penalty for the most heinous crimes?

Why or why not?

Should a president of the United States be impeached if his or

her subordinates break the law?

Should shelter for the homeless be provided at government (that

is, taxpayer) expense? Should this be undertaken at the federal,

state, or local level? If you say, “none of the above,” what do you

think should be done about the problem?

Is political power ultimately nothing but the rule of the strongest,

the most powerful, the most persuasive on TV? Is a government

anything more than the power of those who run it? Why are

there governments at all?

Does the government have the right (rather than merely the

power) to demand a percentage of your paycheck as taxes? Why

or why not?

What is justice? What aspects of our society make it a just

society? What aspects of our society are unjust?

Are there any reasons for paying one person less than another

for the same measurable productivity?

Is there a “human right” to an education? Who has the obligation

to make sure that you get one—your parents, the government,

you yourself?

Do you believe that “all men [and women] are created equal”?

What does this mean? In what respects are they equal?