Which glands are most likely to be involved with the physiological response caused in this experiment?

Post-Lab Questions

”1. Write your hypothesis for the “Testing Temperature” portion of this experiment. Be sure to include how you think the decreased temperature will affect blood pressure and heart rate, and, why. ”

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”2. Write your hypothesis for the “Testing Body Position” portion of this experiment. Be sure to include how you think blood pressure and heart rate will vary when you sit versus when you stand. ”

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”3. Explain your results in terms of the endocrine system. Indicate how the endocrine system is involved in the physiological response to temperature and body position. ”

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”4. Which glands are most likely to be involved with the physiological response caused in this experiment? Which hormones are most likely to be involved? ”

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”5. How does this experiment demonstrate the “fight or flight” response? ”

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