Choose the best completions for the statements and mark your selections on the “CEU Test Application.”

Accounts Receivable and Collection for the Medical Practice

Directions: 1-34: Determine whether each of the statements is true (T) or false (F), and mark your selections on the “CEU Test Application.”

35-45: Choose the best completions for the statements and mark your selections on the “CEU Test Application.”
Base your answers on the information derived from this manuscript.

1. Accounts receivable, by definition, are all unpaid balances due from patients for services rendered.

2. Payment at the time of service (PATOS) is the most efficient method for accounts receivable control.

3. Any practice employee is authorized to, and therefore should, communicate collection guidelines with the patient.

4. It is an acceptable business practice to request a listing of specific credit references during patient intake.

5. It is not necessary to verify insurance coverage when a patient changes jobs.

6. When verifying an appointment it is appropriate to remind the patient of any unpaid balance and to request payment at the time of the appointment.

7. Good collection technique specifies how much you want and when you want it.

8.When telephoning a patient about a delinquent account you may leave a detailed message on an answering machine at the patient’s residence. Active listening includes silent pauses.