How does her experience of family expectations compare with your own?

How do Cisneros’ expectations compare to her father’s expectations?

In a three-paragraph essay, describe this conflict. How do Cisneros’ expectations compare to her father’s expectations?

How does her experience of family expectations compare with your own? Use examples from the text and from your own knowledge, observations, and experience to support your ideas.


Paragraph 1 Introduction

In 4-6 sentences, discuss the conflict between her father’s expectations and Cisneros’ own interests and goals.

Provide at least 2 examples from the text that show this conflict.

Paragraph 2: Body Paragraph

In 1-2 sentences, answer the question: Are Cisneros’ family expectations similar or different than your family’s expectations?

If they are similar, discuss these similarities in 3-4 sentences and provide examples to support these similarities.

If they are different, discuss these differences in 3-4 sentences provide examples that show these differences.

Paragraph 3: Conclusion

Wrap it up Provide 4-6 sentences that sums up the main points of your essay. You do not need to introduce new information.