What other stereotype-resistant commercials have you observed?

Questions to Consider

1. In addition to racial, ethnic, and gender stereotyping, what other kinds of stereotypes have you seen in the media? How do frequent portrayals of such stereotypes affect people’s perceptions of their veracity?

2. Choose one weeknight and one weekend night to watch television news during prime time. Describe the race, sex, approximate age, and other notable factors of people featured in the news. What diversity-related factors do you observe?

3. One commercial that has attempted to change what was a stereotypical statement is the revised Jif ® peanut butter commercial. Previous commercials said“Choosy Moms choose Jif ®
”; the newer one says, “Choosy Moms … and Dads choose Jif ®.”

What other stereotype-resistant commercials have you observed?

What stereotype-supportive commercials have you observed?

What messages are being conveyed?

4. Investigate the circumstances surrounding the 2010 Shirley Sherrod/USDA media-driven disaster. What could have prevented the disaster from spreading with such fervor? © Cen