Discuss:What data is relied on?,How is data collected?,How is data analysed?

Question In your lectures, four rationales for organisational analysis are described.
1 Critically discuss the argument presented by the How is data analysed?(s).
Answer hints:
How do the author(s) try to describe their context? (e.g. how is the narrative presented?)

2 What is the method – how do the author(s) convince their readers?
Answer hints:
What data is relied on?
How is data collected?
How is data analysed?
Are the conclusions open to be challenged?

3 Drawing on your answers from analysing Q (1) and (2), critically analyse and match your analysis to the rational given in Lecture 1 for Organisational Analysis
Answer hints:
What rational is best matched to the paper analysed?
Critically discuss your reasoning

Given Paper 2- 500 words

Question In your lectures, four rationales for organisational analysis are described.
1 Critically discuss the argument presented by the author(s).
Answer hints:
How do the author(s) try to describe their context? (e.g. how is the narrative presented?)

2 What is the method – how do the author(s) convince their readers?
Answer hints:
What data is relied on?
How is data collected?
How is data analysed?
Are the conclusions open to be challenged?

3 Drawing on your answers from analysing Q (1) and (2), critically analyse and match your analysis to the rational given in Lecture 1 for Organisational Analysis
Answer hints:
What rational is best matched to the paper analysed?
Critically discuss your reasoning