Discuss one classical organizational theory and compare with two other theories of management identified in the weekly readings. Provide examples to illustrate how each theory has been or is depicted in the workplace.

Discuss one classical organizational theory and compare with two other theories of management identified in the weekly readings. Provide examples to illustrate how each theory has been or is depicted in the workplace.
Using the three identified theories, discuss how the role of the manager in each theory.
It is assumed that the classical theories of management are dated and not relevant in today’s business environment. Identify a classical theory and explain why and how it is relevant in business today;
Fredrick Taylor proposed a theory of management that focused on efficiency and motion. Discuss whether Taylor’s theory is applicable in today’s business environment. Explain how or how not.
Instructions for Responses to Classmates’ Posts

After you have created your initial post, look over the discussion posts of your classmates and give at least three responses to different classmates (one per classmate) as outlined in the Discussion Grading Rubric.

A response posting should be a minimum of one short paragraph. Word totals for these posts should be in the 75–150-word range. The goal of your response posts is to extend discussions already taking place or pose new possibilities or ideas not previously voiced. Your goal should be to motivate the group discussion and present a creative approach to the topic. Do not merely agree or disagree, repeating what a classmate stated or what you have already stated. Explain the ‘why or how’ with supporting evidence and concepts from the course material. Include in-text citations and associated reference within a reference list.