How do such representations affect men’s emotional and mental health?


Questions for “Tough Guise” by Jackson Katz

What is the documentary’s thesis? Identify Katz’s main argument.

Who benefits from examining masculinity as defined by Katz?

According to Katz, what images of masculinity does the media offer as normal?

How do dominant groups remain invisible and unexamined?

What is hidden when the passive voice is used (i.e. “Women were raped …”)?

Why did the film, “Thelma and Louise,” cause such a stir?

Katz claims that media representations illustrate what’s going on in society. What does he say the changes in representations of the body illustrate?

What social movements rose in the 50’s & 60’s to challenge the dominant white heterosexual male power and privilege?

What is the “backlash” that Katz defines?

What does Katz say “feminism” is?

How does gay bashing maintain a strict definition of “heterosexuality”?

What did the Apollo Creed/Mohammad Ali character in Rocky threaten?

Are images in the media accidental? Who chooses them?

Katz claims that masculinity is performed in response to social and cultural pressures. What does Katz mean by “masculinity is performed”?

Why do young white men “act black”?

What is sexualized violence?

Does Katz claim that violence against women is natural? What do media representations of masculinity encourage men to do?

According to Katz, men are not “islands unto themselves” like the Marlboro man. How do such representations affect men’s emotional and mental health?

How can portrayals of men include aspects of vulnerability?

Can you identify any media representations of men being vulnerable?

How does Katz redefine courage?